Change is a process which we have been through several times during our 150-year history. We have restructured, renamed, sold business activities and invested in new ventures. Essentially, we are what we have always been and that is a company whose focus remains on its key competence – plant engineering and constructions. We pursue technical leadership in our market sector through continuous research and development rather than taking second place elsewhere. We simply want to build the best machines on the market for your company’s process requirements.
We offer solutions!
MBE has the process know how and experience to design, engineer, supply and support complete mineral beneficiation plant and coal washeries.
1 | Industrial, pilot and bench scale equipment.
2 | Continuous process simulation and sampling.
3 | Complete stream of mineral processing equipment.
4 | Combination of experience and innovation.
5 | 1:1 process guarantees after testing.
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Praesent tincidunt molestie libero mollis porta. Praesent sit amet faucibus leo, ac aliquet magna. Vivamus ullamcorper mollis leo, at sagittis mi pellentesque quis. Praesent nec elit tristique.
Praesent tincidunt molestie libero mollis porta. Faucibus leo, ac aliquet magna. Vivamus ullamcorper mollis leo, at sagittis mi pellentesque quis. Praesent nec elit tristique.
MBE-CMT | Siegburg, Germany.
Email for sending Inquiry:- inquiry@mbe-cmt.com
Email for sending Invoices:- invoices@mbe-cmt.com
Email for sending General Queries: info@mbe-cmt.com
MBE Coal & Minerals Technology Holding GmbH.
We design both complete plants and systems to complement or modify existing installations in the field of mineral beneficiation, coal washery, recycling, material and ash handling. We work alongside our customer, from the first consultation to start-up.